NEW ARRIVALS – Tropical Fish



A couple of livestock deliveries added this week with a few customer orders and some excellent examples of some old favourites!

All are now settling in nicely and will be available for sale by the weekend (Note: you can reserve fish prior to that time by dropping us a message or phoning the store)



  • L190 Royal Panaque
  • L129 Chocolate Plecostomus
  • Whiptail Catfish
  • Borneo Sucker
  • Corydoras Julii
  • Corydoras Schwartzi
  • Peppered Corydoras
  • Bronze Corydoras
  • Gold Gourami
  • Male Siamese Fighter
  • Neon Tetra
  • Black Neon Tetra
  • Cardinal Tetra
  • Odessa Barb
  • Rashimi Guppy
  • Blue Scissortail Guppy
  • Green Spotted Puffer
  • Emerald Eye Rasbora
  • Normans Lampeye
  • Metallic Golden Barb
  • Black Musk Turtle
  • Red Clawed Crab
  • Cherry Shrimp
  • Amano Shrimp

We’ll be adding some pictures and videos onto our Facebook and Instagram pages, so be sure to follow those and look out for them.

If you need any additional information on these fish (sizes, prices, pictures etc.) or any that are detailed on our Live Stocklist, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ve had requests about fish deliveries, we do deliver within a 10 mile radius of the store absolutely free when you spend over £20, but we don’t send our stock via Courier further afield.  We currently struggle with the concept and believe that buying fish is an emotive decision,and we need to do some more homework. Ideally, we should be aspiring to live streaming video of the fish you’re actually buying and a legitimate and robust courier operation in place, until that day we’ll be politely declining, sorry. Buying a fish is an emotive decision and you really want to be seeing it up close and personal!

We are also preparing an order for next week’s shipment, so if there are particular fish you are after, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.