Earlier this week we received our latest shipment from the Czech Republic. Some great fish, all settled in and ready for sale. One of our most requested fish – Chilli Rasbora! along with another favourite Galaxy Rasbora.
- Neon Blue Acara
- Ram
- Electric Blue Ram
- Angel
- Thorichthys ellioti
- Mixed Peacock Cichlid
- Mixed Malawi
- Ornate Tetra
- Black Neon Tetra
- Cardinal Tetra
- Serpae Tetra
- Gardeners Killifish
- Long Fin Rosy Barb
- Harlequin
- Galaxy Rasbora
- Chilli Rasbora
- Phoenix Rasbora
- Rainbow Shiner
- Opaline Gourami
- Koi Sanke Swordtail
- Hi Fin Variatus Platy
- Gold Black Molly
- Dalmation Molly
- Female Betta
- Corydoras Schultzei
- Otocinclus
- Reticulated Flying Fox
- Zebra Snail
- Orange Sakura Shrimp
- Fire Red Shrimp
- Glass Shrimp
- Amano Shrimp