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Plants are a great way to encourage wildlife to your garden and pond. POND WEED [...]
What is Ammonia? Okay, so ammonia (NH3) is released during the breakdown of organic matter [...]
Sand anemone loving a shrimp starter, nom nom nom[wpvideo JcF6YXRX] [...]
People often feel limited in terms of choice in coldwater aquariums, restricting themselves to goldfish [...]
The Protective Mouthbrooding Fish While many tropical fish have developed strategies to protect themselves from harm, [...]
Albino Sturgeon – acipenser ruthenus These fish are between 12-18cm and are excellent specimens. Only [...]
Tropical Freshwater stock now in and ready for sale Brown Discus Firemouths Rams Angels (two [...]
Many of us would have woken up to our ponds frozen over which new evidence [...]
UNIVERSAL LED LIGHTING SOLUTION These are really cool and have just been released from Aquael. They come [...]
Okay so here goes, there generally are many and varied opinion in fishkeeping which masquerade [...]
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