Our latest shipment of tropical fish arrived earlier this week. Our aim of continually getting fish we haven’t had before is getting harder but we’re still managing to get a few! This time it’s Synodontis Angelica, not an inexpensive fish and a more than a few years back was the Zebra Plec of its day.
- Firemouth Cichlid
- Honduras Convict Cichlid
- Lamprologus Leleupi Orange
- Kribensis
- Assorted Malawi Peaock
- Discus
- Angel
- Leopard Bush Fish
- Badis Assamensis
- Black Widow Tetra
- Silvertip
- Costello Tetra
- Rummynose Tetra
- Ornate Tetra
- Black Neon Tetra
- Neon Tetra
- Cardinal Tetra
- Lemon Tetra
- Spotted Headstander
- Hockeystick Pencil Fish
- Indian Glassfish
- Lyretail Killifish
- Madagascan Rainbow
- Harlequin
- Phoenix Rasbora
- White Cloud Mountain Minnow
- Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnow
- Long Fin White Cloud Mountain Minnow
- Swordtail
- Hi Fin Platy
- Black Molly
- Gold and Black Molly
- Opaline Gourami
- Gold Gourami
- Ancistrus
- Peppered Corydoras
- Albino Corydoras
- Synodontis Angelica
- Khuli Loach
- Tiger Snail
- Blue Royal Shrimp
- Crystal Red Shrimp A Grade