Two separate deliveries have arrived yesterday and today from two of our UK Wholesalers to act as a top up for our current livestock. Consisting of some staple favourites and a few different fish and customer orders.
They are settling in nicely and will be for sale from Saturday (albeit you can reserve prior to then). We will be adding some pictures and videos over the next day or so on our Facebook and Instagram pages, so make sure you add us as a follow and look our for those.
Not forgetting we’re placing another order for next week from one of our suppliers from the Czech Republic, so if there is anything you are after in particular,then let us know before 5 pm on Friday and we will look to add it to our order.
You can check our Full livestock list HERE
New Arrivals Tropical Fish and Shrimp
- Aluminium Catfish
- Blue Eyed Lemon Ancistrus LDA144 (Tank Bred)
- Sunshine Ancistrus
- Asian Stone Catfish/Butterfly Catfish
- Four Line Pim Catfish
- Rainbow Dace
- Fire Red Shrimp
- Rilli Shrimp
- Male Siamese Fighter
- Gold Gourami
- Assorted Female Guppy
- Assorted Male Guppy
- Mickey Mouse Platy
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Drape Fin Barb
- One lined Pencilfish
- Neon Tetra
- Cardinal Tetra (Tank Bred)